Logistic Cultures: Preliminary Studies Towards a Cultural History of Global Material Flow Economy
Prof. Dr. Monika Dommann
A series of three preliminary studies traces a variety of concepts and practices involved in the building of global material flows. These studies aim to outline a methodology for the analysis of logistics as a linking tool for modern societies.
The first study is dedicated to the history of pallets. Pallets are a material icon of contemporary society and a basic unit of material handling on a large scale. The study focuses on the rise and limits of global standards and the conflicting strategies of the United States and Europe since World War II. A second study explores the perspectives of the methodology of the History of Science for Economic History. It analyses how logistics as an idea emerged, travelled and changed between military and various scientific disciplines. A third study focuses on the complex complementary correlations between material and information flows. Exploring the workings of paperwork this study analyses the cultural background and social use of shipping documents, tags and imprints on transport packaging. Pdf
Image 1: Materials Handling and Distribution, December 1929, 71.
Image 2: Army Services Manual M703–4, Washington 1943. Headquarters Army Service Forces, 1 September 1943. Station Supply Procedure. Procedure for the Requisition, Purchase, Receipt, Issue, and Shipment of Material (Execept for Subsistence). Army Service Forces Manual M403 Supply, Washington 1943, 77.