Prof. Dr. Monika Dommann
Logistic Cultures, Goods in Transit
Monika Dommann studied History and Economics at the University of Zurich where she received a Ph.D. on the Cultural History of X-Rays in 2002. 1997-2002 she was a Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Zurich and afterwards she got Research Grants by the University of Zurich and the Swiss National Foundation (Copying and Copy-rights in the Age of Apparatuses, 1850-1980). She was a Research Fellow at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies in Vienna, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Visiting Professor at the Communication Studies Department at McGill University in Montreal and Postdoctoral Fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington DC. She taught at Zürich, Luzern and Basel Universities and since 2009 she holds an SNFS Professorship at the University of Basel.